Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Let's GO 2.0 !!

Well, here we go, first blog ! I'm starting a new chapter - Web 2.0. Had a few dramas with slow internet (the youtube video conked out 3/4 through!), but now I've created my gmail account, started my first blog and I'm kind of excited!

We have decided to dedicate an hour a fortnight to play and experience the wide, wacky world of web 2.0 at work. I'm really looking forward to getting into this course and conquering the world of web 2.0!

So far this has been much easier than expected... If it's this easy why didn't we think to do this earlier?! :P

1 comment:

  1. Yes my internet was too slow for the Youtube too, on my home pc, so I opted to read the text version that was underneath it. ;-)
    That wasn't cheating was it?? ;-)
